I’m Not elegant But…

Hey! pleased Friday!! exactly how was your week?

Yesterday I spent some high quality time with my preferred small person…. Unfortunately, I’m not her preferred person. however we got along all best as long as I walked her around outside the whole time.
הסרטונים האחרונים שלי

יום אימוני מרתון 3
Marathon training video diary – day 3. Running journal inspect in with Run eat Repeat

עוד סירטונים

הבא בתור
Before We Were Strangers Review


Fanciest dinner of My Life

You understand I’m not fancy. I’m really whatever the opposite of elegant is…

Yep, all of those depending upon the day.

But, I pretended to be elegant yesterday with a very elegant dinner. A while back I discovered crab legs on special at Ralph’s (my regional market – well, not MY as in I own it, however the one I go to). בכל מקרה.

I snapped them up as well as put them in the freezer because:

I had no concept exactly how to cook them.

I don’t have those crab cracker things

There wasn’t an event to make them

But, I chose to just opt for it as well as make them randomly last night. because I don’t have a steamer basket I baked them with a lot of spices. They turned out AH-MAZING!!! I was nervous, however they were delicious.

Paired with champagne because… well, just since I like it. as well as it goes with my randomly elegant style night.

This dinner needed some background music of course. as well as then I felt much more comfortable. (Anaconda in situation you want to listen to this too.)

Vegas as well as I called it an early night. So, I got 8 hours of sleep (I didn’t get up at 4am for the very first time in over a month hello). כן.

Question: What is the very best or Fanciest thing you’ve ever cooked or baked?

שלח לי את חוברת העבודה


שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!







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⚡ מאת Shareaholic


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