Intuitive eating – The fight continues

I haven’t dedicated a post to Intuitive eating (IE) lately because I’ve been trying to just live it and over thinking it definitely makes it harder sometimes.

The other day I realized I couldn’t remember the last time I had binged. Don’t get me wrong – mindless eating and overeating happens, but binging not so much. I’m very happy about that.
הסרטונים האחרונים שלי

Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4
No Chafing Running Shorts for women. new review of Athleta HIIT IT 9 in inseam shorts.

עוד סירטונים

0 seconds of 8 minutes, 21 seconds

הבא בתור
Marathon training Day 1


Since I have made great progress, but am not totally there yet I decided to review the 10 Principles of IE to see where I am:

1. reject the diet Mentality – Done and done ? this one was easy as I didn’t want to go on another diet for anything!

2. honor Your Hunger – Check. I eat when I’m hungry. מדע טילים? לא כל כך. eating when I’m NOT hungry – that’s another story…

3. Make peace with Food – I’m an animal loving, sunflower wearing, PETA fearing California hippie so I was all for giving peace a chance. now if the drug cartels south of the border would just follow my lead…

4. challenge the Food police – I have a long history of challenging authority so this one was easy. My mom’s favorite story about me is when I was three years old I told the babysitter, “My mom is in charge, but when she’s not here I am.” and don’t you forget it.

5. respect your Fullness – Ding ding ding! We have a winner loser.

6. discover your satisfaction factor – another bump in the road.

7. honor your feelings Without Food – Damn, three principles I haven’t mastered?

8. respect Your Body – this one is getting better and that’s all I can do.

9. exercise – I don’t know if you noticed the title of my blog and all, but I run.

10. honor Your health – I eat enough produce to feed a family of four. I think I’m okay on this one. might need to up the organic stuff and watch the handfuls of graham crackers though.

Right now I live the first four principles of Intuitive eating okay. but I am not fully an intuitive eater yet as I have not mastered numbers five, six and seven. These are the numbers that I think are standing in the way of me and my natural weight.

So, for the next few weeks I’m going to try and be more mindful of stopping when I am getting full, being present with my food and not eating when I’m angry, lonely or tired (HALT).

Lunch was a new find from MOM’s – sweet Potato soup. I was hoping it was like the fantastic butternut squash soup I had at a hotel in CA, but nope. It was kind of bland.

I paired it with some broccoli for a green and gold lunch ?

“Green, Gold Let’s hear it! I say catch the spirit!”

מה? Did I take that too far? (Please ignore the poorly centered picture)

I also ate a bag of veggie crisps because lunch was lame without ‘em.

Why the heck does almond milk and soy milk curdle in coffee?

Better question: Why, despite the fact that I know it curdles, do I continue to put it in my coffee???

Monica is gross. welcome to her blog.

שלח לי את חוברת העבודה


שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!







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