2010 Disney Marathon recap

I’m still alive, but not feeling great. let me start at the beginning though…

The day before the race we drove from the Sarasota area to Orlando for the expo. Ben’s brother Jon was our chauffeur ? We were all shocked at how cold it was! Jon didn’t even pack pants!
הסרטונים החדשים ביותר שלי

מבחן נוגדנים קוביד 19
לקחתי את מבחן הנוגדנים Covid19. Here’s how it went and the results!

עוד סירטונים

0 שניות של 5 דקות, 19 שניות

הבא בתור
Marathon training Day 3


The expo wasn’t incredible considering the size of the race.

Look at me smiling…little do I know what’s in store for in tomorrow…

Then, we went to the hotel where I met up with Meghann (who was also running) and Melissa (spectating). We went to dinner for some carb-loading at a little Italian place.

I started with a boring salad.

I purchased my own small pizza with broccoli, tomatoes and onions – they were a little low-cost with the toppings. I thought it was just nerves, but my stomach was hurting so I only ate three pieces of my pizza.

When we got back to the room Ben and Jon went to the films and I set out all my gear for the next morning. While packing everything I ate two cookies for extra carbs, but my stomach was still bothering me.

When I finally got in bed I could not sleep. I laid awake for hours until I got up to go to the restroom and realized my throat was killing me. I called Ben and told him to bring back throat spray and Dayquil. This was not the way I wanted this night to go.

When I asked Ben what ought to I do he said, “Just try to come out of this alive.” thanks Ben, thanks.

I finally got to sleep around 1am – just in time for 2 hours of sleep before my 3am wake up call! I hydrated, ate and took the Dayquil. I was very nervous about this because I kept second guessing myself – maybe I was just really nervous, maybe I wasn’t sick…but I didn’t want to take the chance by not taking medication and feeling very sick during the race.

I took the throat spray with me to use up to the start of the race too.

It was so freezing in Orlando I brought a hotel towel to cover my head and try to keep some heat in me. It didn’t work that well, but it was better than nothing.

I don’t have any pics of the race because Ben wasn’t able to catch me on the course. He was getting text updates (from Disney) of my location, but he had expected me to be going a bit slower and was one step behind me every point he stopped at. This is how I know I started out way too fast and screwed myself.

Remember my disposable running gear? Well I ended up cutting the sweatshirt up the front and the sweatpants down the sides. but – I wish I wouldn’t have! I was so cold and wanted to keep them on, but the pants were flying all over the place so I ditched them at the start! I kept the sweatshirt on the entire race and just let it flap in the wind. I kept trying to tie it closed, but my hands were so frozen I couldn’t feel my fingers enough to do it right!

I was really good about eating enough this race, but I was scared to drink too much because I wasn’t sweating much liquid out. I didn’t want to over-hydrate myself which can be very harmful (hyponatremia). So even though I was thirsty I was limiting my liquids. After the race I realized this was not required because my pee was darker than normal (I know you wanted to know that).

Around mile 8 I started thinking about the restroom. I didn’t have to go, but I felt like I had a bubble in my stomach (gas?). I am very scared of the dreaded “runner’s trots”. So I stopped a porta-potty to make sure I didn’t go in my pants. I was quick so it didn’t add too much time to the clock.

I did not look at my Garmin once until mile 19. It was under my clothes and I knew I wasn’t going to break any records, so I thought “No news is good news.” But, I ought to have realized I was pacing too fast.

At mile 18 I hit the wall hard. The plan was for Ben and Jon to see me at mile 19 and he had my sunglasses and Vaseline in case I needed it. I told myself I would just drop out of the race and go home with him. Yes, I really chose that in the middle of the marathon.

I felt sick and exhausted and hopeless. I wanted to quit.

Luckily, Ben didn’t catch me at mile 19 so I had to keep going. From that point on I was run-walking the rest of the race.

When I saw that at mile 20 I was behind to beat my pr I kinda gave up on trying to get a good time. Boo.

I finished in 4:27:41. But, that’s better than dropping out at 19, right?

Ben caught me best out of the chute and I feel like someone kicked my ass. For some reason my whole body felt jacked-up.

Ben and I after the race:

When we got back to the hotel room I ate my leftover pizza, a muffin and a few cookies. I was actually a little hungry, which doesn’t typically happen after a long run.

Then, I showered, laid down and let the sickness take over. I had been trying to fight it for a few days, but knew I was getting sick. finally אני יכול פשוט להיות חולה.

לא יכולתי לקחת איבופרופן (התרופה האופיינית לבחירה שלי) מכיוון שזה מזיק לקחת לפני או מייד אחרי טווח ארוך. ומסיבה כלשהי שכחתי את DayQuil (שיש לו אצטמינופן ובטוח לקחת).

היו לנו כמה שעות להרוג לפני שהיינו צריכים לתפוס את הטיסה שלנו אז הלכנו לקולנוע.

אכלתי באופן אקראי להמשך היום. לא הייתי רעב, אבל גופי הרגיש מתרוקן אז גרמתי לעצמי לאכול. ניסיתי גם לקבל תמונה של כמה עיניי יריות בדם, אבל זה לא יצא.

אחרי מנוחת לילה טובה אני עדיין מרגיש קצת חולה והגוף שלי כואב. אני חושב שרבים ממנו הם מהמרתון. בדרך כלל אני יכול להילחם במחלות במנוחת לילה טובה, אבל מרי חייבה את גופי קצת יותר מדי.

אני פשוט לא מבין למה הגב שלי כואב – ואני נזכרתי ברציפות בזה כשאני משתעל?

המחשבות שלי על המירוץ: אני בהחלט מאוכזב מאיך שעשיתי והזמן שלי. אני יודע שאני יכול לעשות יותר טוב מזה. הבנתי שנכנס למירוץ הזה שהראש שלי לא נמצא במשחק. אתה צריך להיות מוכן נפשית למרתון ולא הייתי.

ניסיתי באמת “pscyhe” בעצמי בגלל זה, אבל משום מה פשוט לא יכולתי לחפור מספיק עמוק. הלוואי והייתי פשוט מאט את הריצה שלי במקום ללכת לקראת הסוף. אבל, למדתי המון מהמרוץ הזה.

החרטה המשמעותית ביותר שלי היא עכשיו שאני צריך לעשות עוד מרתון כדי לממש את עצמי. לעזאזל. אוקיי, אחד הרבה יותר – ואז אני דבק במחצית. עבור אמיתי ב.

שלח לי את חוברת העבודה


שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!







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